shorten your links
maximize your reach

"get real-time click analytics with the link shortener that boosts your business for free."

shavelinks dashboard preview

(UI color schema is inspired by @RumanArif00)

Why Choose ShaveLinks?

Your All-in-One Solution to Empower and Grow Your Business

Link Shortening & Analytics

Shorten links and get detailed analytics to track performance efficiently.

Customizable QR Codes

Create, customize, and track QR codes for your links easily.

UTM Builder

Add custom URL parameters for comprehensive campaign tracking.

Custom Link Expiration

Set link expiration by date or clicks for precise control.

Password-Protected Links

Secure links with password protection for enhanced privacy.

Seamless App Redirection

Guide users smoothly to targeted apps with seamless redirection.

Our Pricing

Find Your Perfect Plan Today

Choose a plan that suits your business needs.

Free Forever

Perfect for individuals, hobbyists, and beginners.


free forever

get started
  • 50 new links/mo
  • 2K tracked clicks/mo
  • 30-day analytics retention
  • Link expiration by date
  • UTM builder


For startups & small businesses launching & scaling.


billed yearly

get started with startup
  • 200 new links/month
  • 5K tracked clicks/mo
  • 1-year analytics retention
  • Link expiration by clicks
  • Custom QR Branding


Ideal for growing teams and expanding businesses.


billed yearly

get started with pro
  • 5000 new links/month
  • 75K tracked clicks/mo
  • 2-year analytics retention
  • Password protected links
  • Discord chat support


For large organizations and enterprises.


contact us
  • Custom links/month
  • Custom tracked clicks
  • Limitless analytics retention
  • Instant* support F2F
compare plans

trusted by creators worldwide

Tracked Clicks
Links Generated